Runniest - app which will help you to start running!

If you always dreaming to start running, but don't know how, this app is for you! Download it and get started!

App Store

Carefully prepared steps by steps schedule

Start with easy things, then go to more diffucult tasks...

  • At first just fast walking
  • Then increase time of running
  • And at the end - you will run for 20 minutes

Personal coach

App will schedule run and walk intervals for you and notify you when time is run out

When run or walk interval ends - you will hear the coach's whistle. So you can enjoy running and listening to music. When it is necessary to change run to walk of vice versa - you will know about that without opening the app.

When you finish the schedule - you will hear fanfare. Congratulations, you finish run schedule, you can repeat it tomorrow and go to more difficult schedule.